Here's some of my favourite shots from my collaboration with Jesse Maxwell and Summah Noakes last friday. Summah came along to capture what went on behind the scenes of our little adventure into a creepy abandoned house. Jesse's makeup was inspired by Clockwork Orange hence the one sided bottom eyelashes. The third and fourth photo were taken with a long shutter-speed and an extra flash, which created that trippy layered look and was so much fun to make.
Thanks so much again to Shell at Allkindz for letting us borrow these awesome clothes. If you ever need any funky costumes, gorgeous clothing from local designers, quality second-hand goods or if you want professionally done dreadlocks please go and see her!
I love collaborating with other creative people and I want to do stuff like this as much as I possibly can. I love photography because it gets me out of the house and meeting up with awesome, talented, interesting people who I wouldn't normally have the courage to talk to. Thanks so much Jesse for spending the last afternoon of your holiday back in Nelson to chill out with us and create some awesome images.
Thanks so much again to Shell at Allkindz for letting us borrow these awesome clothes. If you ever need any funky costumes, gorgeous clothing from local designers, quality second-hand goods or if you want professionally done dreadlocks please go and see her!
I love collaborating with other creative people and I want to do stuff like this as much as I possibly can. I love photography because it gets me out of the house and meeting up with awesome, talented, interesting people who I wouldn't normally have the courage to talk to. Thanks so much Jesse for spending the last afternoon of your holiday back in Nelson to chill out with us and create some awesome images.