Acting Experience
Trinity Guildhall London Exams
Acting and Speaking, Grade 8, Distinction with 94%
Performance in Production, Grade 8, Distinction with 90%
Awarded the Trinity Guildhall London Highest Marks Cup, for my Grade 8 Acting and Speaking exam at the Nelson Diploma and Awards ceremony.
Acting in Pairs, Grade 7, passed with 73%
Individual Acting Skills, Grade 5, Merit with 83%
Individual Acting Skills, Grade 4, Merit with 82%
Acting and Speaking, Grade 8, Distinction with 94%
Performance in Production, Grade 8, Distinction with 90%
Awarded the Trinity Guildhall London Highest Marks Cup, for my Grade 8 Acting and Speaking exam at the Nelson Diploma and Awards ceremony.
Acting in Pairs, Grade 7, passed with 73%
Individual Acting Skills, Grade 5, Merit with 83%
Individual Acting Skills, Grade 4, Merit with 82%
New Zealand Speech Board Exams
Speech and Drama, Advanced Certificate, with Honours.
Speech and Drama, Advanced Certificate, with Honours.
1st place in the 15min recital, and 2nd in the impromptu speech category at the PACANZ regional competition.
1st place in the speech and drama recital category at the Nelson School of Music Scholarship competition.
1st place in the 15min recital, and 2nd in the impromptu speech category at the PACANZ regional competition.
1st place in the speech and drama recital category at the Nelson School of Music Scholarship competition.
DramaLab Devised Projects
"May Contain Traces of Nuts" directed by Martine Baanvinger. Devised, written by and starring Ana Raunigg, Carol Parkinson-Jones, Martine Baanvinger, Guinevere Wyld, Rowena Dixon, Maniana Raunigg, Fabian Stoffregen and David Dwyer. Performed at the Village Theatre in Takaka.
"May Contain Traces of Nuts" directed by Martine Baanvinger. Devised, written by and starring Ana Raunigg, Carol Parkinson-Jones, Martine Baanvinger, Guinevere Wyld, Rowena Dixon, Maniana Raunigg, Fabian Stoffregen and David Dwyer. Performed at the Village Theatre in Takaka.
[Photos by Carrie Dobbs]
"Pod Cast" directed by Martine Baanvinger. Devised, written by and starring Aralyn Doiron, Lynne Udell, Ana Raunigg, Carol Parkinson-Jones, Simon Jones and Maniana Raunigg. Performed at the Village Theatre in Takaka.
"Pod Cast" directed by Martine Baanvinger. Devised, written by and starring Aralyn Doiron, Lynne Udell, Ana Raunigg, Carol Parkinson-Jones, Simon Jones and Maniana Raunigg. Performed at the Village Theatre in Takaka.
[Photos by John Black]
McShort Productions
2014 & 2015
Acted in "Naughty Bad Girls" a New Zealand comedy play written by Mel Johnston in 1996. Directed by Ronnie Short. At The Courthouse Cafe, The Wholemeal Cafe, The Mussell Inn and Plan B, in Golden Bay, and at Club Paradox in Nelson.
Acted in "Naughty Bad Girls" a New Zealand comedy play written by Mel Johnston in 1996. Directed by Ronnie Short. At The Courthouse Cafe, The Wholemeal Cafe, The Mussell Inn and Plan B, in Golden Bay, and at Club Paradox in Nelson.
Starring Gina Udell, Maniana Raunigg and Georgia Robertson-Bates as - Lucy, Rhonda and Nic.
National Youth Drama School Courses
Advanced Acting with tutors Rachel Henry and Holly Chappell.
"For those looking towards a career in acting for stage or screen or wanting to prepare for tertiary training auditions. This class will work with scripts both traditional and modern and focus on performance skills and the ability to work with a director. The afternoons will be spent working with the Directing class on scene work and connection with a scene partner. The mornings will focus on each student’s needs and work towards a monologue performance that challenges each individual."
Advanced Acting with tutors Rachel Henry and Holly Chappell.
"For those looking towards a career in acting for stage or screen or wanting to prepare for tertiary training auditions. This class will work with scripts both traditional and modern and focus on performance skills and the ability to work with a director. The afternoons will be spent working with the Directing class on scene work and connection with a scene partner. The mornings will focus on each student’s needs and work towards a monologue performance that challenges each individual."
Screen Acting with tutor Richard Rugg.
"With the continual development of the film and television industry in NZ actors have more opportunity to gain work on screen. But what does it take to create compelling performances on screen? What challenges face actors and what techniques will they need to learn? Through classroom exercises we discover what goes into effective on-camera work and enable students to become familiar with the unique processes necessary for the film actor. This intensive course will challenge and inspire you."
Taster classes - Physical Theatre and Absurd Theatre.
Screen Acting with tutor Richard Rugg.
"With the continual development of the film and television industry in NZ actors have more opportunity to gain work on screen. But what does it take to create compelling performances on screen? What challenges face actors and what techniques will they need to learn? Through classroom exercises we discover what goes into effective on-camera work and enable students to become familiar with the unique processes necessary for the film actor. This intensive course will challenge and inspire you."
Taster classes - Physical Theatre and Absurd Theatre.
Acting Technique with tutor John Lonsdale.
Performed a stylised extract from "Age of Hero's" as The Shinx and a newsreader, at the Hawkes Bay Opera House.
Taster classes - Screen Acting and Acting Shakespeare.
Acting Technique with tutor John Lonsdale.
Performed a stylised extract from "Age of Hero's" as The Shinx and a newsreader, at the Hawkes Bay Opera House.
Taster classes - Screen Acting and Acting Shakespeare.
Nayland Drama Company Projects
Acted, sung in and directed "Sweeny Todd" at the Nayland College Dance Music and Drama Showcase, as Mrs Lovett.
Performed the "Jabberwocky" poem as a flash-mob in Nelson city for National Poetry Day.
Acted in and helped to devise "Shattered" for our Trinity Guildhall London grade 8 Performance in Production exam.
Acted, sung in and directed "Sweeny Todd" at the Nayland College Dance Music and Drama Showcase, as Mrs Lovett.
Performed the "Jabberwocky" poem as a flash-mob in Nelson city for National Poetry Day.
Acted in and helped to devise "Shattered" for our Trinity Guildhall London grade 8 Performance in Production exam.
Nayland College Drama Performances, Projects and Awards
Was awarded the Appleton Meyer Cup for Outstanding Contribution to Drama at cultural prize giving.
Acted in the level 3 Drama class production of "Caucasian Chalk Circle" by Bertolt Brecht, as Grusha plus extra parts. Achieved with Excellence.
Was awarded the Appleton Meyer Cup for Outstanding Contribution to Drama at cultural prize giving.
Acted in the level 3 Drama class production of "Caucasian Chalk Circle" by Bertolt Brecht, as Grusha plus extra parts. Achieved with Excellence.
[Photos by Caitlin Gladstone]
Devised a monologue based on the concept of freedom. Achieved with Excellence.
Devised a physical theatre piece based on an idea from a text. Achieved with Merit.
Received an Academic Excellence award at senior prize giving for being top of my year level in Drama. Also received the W. C. Kane Cup for Public Speaking.
Acted in the level 2 Drama class production of "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller, as Abigail Williams. Achieved with Excellence.
Examined the work of Arthur Miller. Achieved with Excellence.
Devised a piece of theatre based on the concept of social injustice. Achieved with Excellence.
Performed an extract from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare, as Bottom. Achieved with Excellence.
Performed "Shakers" by John Godber and Jane Thornton, as Carol. Achieved with Excellence.
Performed an extract from "Daughters of Heaven" by Michellane Foster, as Juliet. Achieved with Excellence.
Devised a piece of theatre based on the concept of coping with loss. Achieved with Excellence.
Performed an extract from "Machbeth" by William Shakespeare, as a witch. Achieved with Excellence.
Devised a physical theatre piece based on an idea from a text. Achieved with Merit.
Received an Academic Excellence award at senior prize giving for being top of my year level in Drama. Also received the W. C. Kane Cup for Public Speaking.
Acted in the level 2 Drama class production of "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller, as Abigail Williams. Achieved with Excellence.
Examined the work of Arthur Miller. Achieved with Excellence.
Devised a piece of theatre based on the concept of social injustice. Achieved with Excellence.
Performed an extract from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare, as Bottom. Achieved with Excellence.
Performed "Shakers" by John Godber and Jane Thornton, as Carol. Achieved with Excellence.
Performed an extract from "Daughters of Heaven" by Michellane Foster, as Juliet. Achieved with Excellence.
Devised a piece of theatre based on the concept of coping with loss. Achieved with Excellence.
Performed an extract from "Machbeth" by William Shakespeare, as a witch. Achieved with Excellence.
Golden Bay High School Productions
Acted, danced and sung in the musical production of "My Fair Lady" by Alan Jay Lerner, as a chorus member.
Acted in the pantomime production of "Cinderella - A Girl of Today" by Julia Banks, as Cinderella.
Acted, danced and sung in the musical production of "My Fair Lady" by Alan Jay Lerner, as a chorus member.
Acted in the pantomime production of "Cinderella - A Girl of Today" by Julia Banks, as Cinderella.
Inspired Productions Sponsored Projects
Acted, danced and sung in "The Show Must Go On" written by Tabitha Besley, Eleanor Strathern, Zach Miller-Basset, Comfrey Sanders and Paki Tahu. I played the dysfunctional, control freak, ring mistress Michelle.
"The Show Must Go On is a colourful and entertaining look into what goes on behind the scenes of a struggling travelling circus. It focuses on many dark aspects of being human but the circus' performers are quirky entertainers through and through and the complicated love triangles, touching and intimate scenes, energetic dancing and alternative costuming are all their own. It is a play bound to play with your heart strings that will also shock and amaze."
Acted, danced and sung in "The Show Must Go On" written by Tabitha Besley, Eleanor Strathern, Zach Miller-Basset, Comfrey Sanders and Paki Tahu. I played the dysfunctional, control freak, ring mistress Michelle.
"The Show Must Go On is a colourful and entertaining look into what goes on behind the scenes of a struggling travelling circus. It focuses on many dark aspects of being human but the circus' performers are quirky entertainers through and through and the complicated love triangles, touching and intimate scenes, energetic dancing and alternative costuming are all their own. It is a play bound to play with your heart strings that will also shock and amaze."
After a successful show in Nelson we took "The Show Must Go On" to Wellington as part of the 2012 Wellington Fringe Festival. "Devised, written, produced and performed completely by young people under 20, we strive to show youth potential through our creation." Media release: The Show Must Go On Reveiw: A Challenge The Media Portrayal of Youth |
[Photos by Andrew Thompson]
Teentheatre and Kidztheatre Productions
Acted in the Teentheatre production of "Daughters of Heaven" by Michellane Foster, as Hilda Hulme.
Acted in the Teentheatre production of "Daughters of Heaven" by Michellane Foster, as Hilda Hulme.
Acted and sung in the Teentheatre production of "Murder Game - The Black Inquiry" by Phyllie Holmes, as Mrs Peacock.
Acted and sung in the Teentheatre production of "Murder Game - The Black Inquiry" by Phyllie Holmes, as Mrs Peacock.
Acted in the Teentheatre production of "Boys and Ghouls Together" by David Rogers, as Barbara.
Acted in the Kidztheatre production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare, as Titania - Queen of the Fairies.
Acted in the Kidztheatre production of "The Little Mermaid" by Eugene Jackson, as Grandmother Mermaid.
Acted in the Kidztheatre production of "The Snow Queen" as The Snow Queen.
Acted in the Kidztheatre production of "Hercules" as a Nymph, a Demon and a member of the Greek Chorus.
Acted in the Teentheatre production of "Boys and Ghouls Together" by David Rogers, as Barbara.
Acted in the Kidztheatre production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare, as Titania - Queen of the Fairies.
Acted in the Kidztheatre production of "The Little Mermaid" by Eugene Jackson, as Grandmother Mermaid.
Acted in the Kidztheatre production of "The Snow Queen" as The Snow Queen.
Acted in the Kidztheatre production of "Hercules" as a Nymph, a Demon and a member of the Greek Chorus.